Cover your eeeyes
I apparently did this breeding so poorly, it was redone without saying a word @.@
I didn't really know how to breed hybrid x hybrid. I just assumed you'd transfer the edits/colors from one to the other, like you would with an SCC or something?
I didn't know, (until I did this breeding) that you weren't allowed to physically take things off the other parent. Even though certain BC artists BLATANTLY DO. With proof. *cough* Apparently it isn't allowed. It was rolled that both be Shisas, so I couldn't even paint a metal ippo or anything D:
Flipped one, oversparklefied it. That about covers the ippo doesn't it? The hair apparently is not allowed to be transferred.. so. I ended up submitting an earlier attempted monstrosity:
And it was just awful. Thankfully, they redid this one, and I have appropriate levels of shame. They gave them both little wings and horns, which I really didn't think it worked like that, but... whatever. They look better than what I did.
Can I disable ratings for this one? >.> Apparently I can't. Damn.
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