MissMally's LBC Breedings for Aywas.com

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Glowy Cyborg Quolgarians

Quolgarians in disguise


Two somewhat workable .psds


For all that these babies look pretty different, I actually re-used a lot of parts, but with the POWER OF COLOR, (and some selective part swapping) they look quite different!

So, both of them use that really pretty metalish swirly undertone from the white parent. It turned out pretty sexy on the black parent.

I don't remember most of the specifics on this one, but may I stress the importance of color theory in a breeding? By making all of the various blues/cyans/greys/blacks one cyan and one grey, the pet has a much more solid look than if I'd just mix and matched the parents. Because of the white body on the second one, the two color runes were ok, since they look much closer in color on the white, and it becomes a three-tone palette with the eyes and wires being cyan as well.

Don't be afraid to work with the colors you have!  

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